Lesser known Drupal 7 modules that can save hours of work

(The image above was taken from: https://www.amazeelabs.com/en/blog/fun-potatoes-other-wallpapers)


Some great useful small modules that can save you hours of custom coding.

Administration Views

Admin Views


Okay, not exactly less known but very useful for admin UX. It adds a search feature for each section of content and users admin pages, making it so much easier to find the content when you have well over hundreds or 1000s.  

Taxonomy Views Integrator



Ever needed to make your term page look different from other term pages? Views already has a default Views Terms Page but problem is this gets rendered for every Terms Page. So if you want a certain Term page to be styled differently, then this is where this modlule does it's magic. Basically, you create a Views Term Page and use this module to assign it to the Views page, then in your Views page you can make it display how you want it. This allows you to setup many different Views pages for different Terms pages for different layouts. It is best to clone the default  Views Term Page  and create a new one. 

Easy Breadcrumb

Easy Breadcrumbs


Breadcrumbs in Drupal are never easy to get them right. The breadcrumbs that comes with core Drupal is just so bad at it that you wondered why they didn't bother removing it or better still, replace it with this module. It also helps you to learn how to better define your site structure since it uses the path aliases to determine and display the breadcrumbs.

Corresponding Entity References (CER)

Corresponding Entity References


Difficult to explain this one but it basically works with Reference field and allows you to refer to each other (meaning it can reference both ways). For example: If entity Alice references entity Bob, CER will make Bob reference Alice as well, and keep the references up-to-date when either entity is updated or deleted.

Views Distinct

Views distinct


If you had that annoying moment when some of your fields you that you added in Views are showing duplicates results on the node page and the "DISTINCT" SQL query option in the Views UI does not actually solve the problem. This module helps to take care of duplicate field appearing.  

Menu item visibility

Menu item visibility


A very handy module when you only want to show a certain menu item to a specific role. Of course, you can do this with Menu per Role module but the UX sucks and it is done on a separate configuration page, whereas with this module, it is done right inside of the menu item configure page. 




There may times when you just needed to place some HTML markup to sit between some fields on a node add/edit form exposed on frontend or on node display page but you cannot assign a block in between fields and you don't want to add any extra markup in template file. This module helps to resolve these issues. You simply just create a markup field and add whatever markup you want to the field.

Taxonomy dupecheck

Taxonomy dupecheck


If you are continually making mistakes of adding same term names in your Taxonomy page, this module prevents you from making these mistakes because Drupal by default will allow you to add same text like it is unique and gives it s different url path. 

Rabbit Hole

rabbit hole


Rabbit Hole is a module that adds the ability to control what should happen when an entity is being viewed at its own page.

Perhaps you have a content type that never should be displayed on its own page, like an image content type that's displayed in a carousel. Rabbit Hole can prevent this node from being accessible on its own page, through node/xxx.


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